-Education. We develop, produce, conduct and train staff and volunteers in Family Fun educational programs geared to your mission. Museum Muse has on-hand an NAIC-certified Interpretive Planner.
-Emergency Preparedness. We prepare comprehensive yet concise plans tailored to your organization, regardless of size. We undertake risk assessment, pre-event training to include Active Shooter, and recovery and salvage methods. Clients range from small historical societies to organizations exceeding ½-million visitors/year. We also conduct graduate-level museum studies training in Emergency Preparedness.
-Evaluation. We perform audience evaluation through charettes, surveys, and demographic analysis. We can do this work on-line or in-person.
-Exhibits. We work with award-winning exhibit specialists to design, fabricate and install traveling, temporary and permanent displays.
-Planning. We can help your organization with its short-term goals & objectives along with broader strategic planning. As AAM peer reviewers, we can navigate its accreditation process for you.
-Preservation of Historic Buildings. Museum Muse Associates include experts in historic preservation planning and documentation, with cutting-edge information on climate change’s effects and Keeping History Above Water.
-Product Development. Museum Muse offers services in record digitization, marketing, promotion and communications to increase your institution’s reach both on and off-site. We employ an international associate who has created an integrated on-line marketing platform to include archival digitization and development of the Virtual Docent and Museum Avatars.
-Increasing Income. Museum Muse Partners and Associates are expert in grant-writing, particularly for historic preservation, with over $30M raised. We conceive and undertake special fundraising events for clients.
-Inclusivity. Museum Muse employs a diversity expert who can conduct board/staff training along with a review of exhibitions in terms of design and label copy to ensure all visitors are considered.
-Internal Controls. Museum Muse Partners can assess the performance of your institution to include a facility and staffing review, employing internal controls to document benchmarks.
-Institutional Staffing. As a sub-contractor, Museum Muse provides contractual staffing services for front-desk personnel, administers governmental staffing contracts.
-Civil Service. Museum Muse is registered in SAMS and is a small woman-owned business, accomplished in performing both federal and municipal contracts.
-Collections. We do it all! Museum Muse will take your collection from inventory triage to accessioning, cataloguing, implementing automation, and even deaccessioning. Our specialties are Collections Policy and Plans. As strong Active Collecting advocates, we can help you shape your collection to better fit with mission. Particular strengths lie in American militaria (Army and Navy); 19th century social history; archives; and historic preservation.
-Collections Training. We conduct on-site academic and peer-based training in collection care and management.
-Conservation. Museum Muse’s conservator associates provide conservation proposals and services (meeting AIC guidelines), CAP assessments and exhibit furniture mount-making. Museum Muse principals and associates can provide a basic preservation analysis of the collection, a conservation wish list for artifacts, and a certified appraised valuation of your museum’s collection.